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"By working with Mark, I also work with the team of trusted professionals that Mark has relationships with. Slack-Smith Financial is more than just accounting."

Susan Goodwin - Director of Goodwin Kenny


Employees at Slack-Smith Financial enjoy a range of benefits. In addition to the flexible working arrangements, Slack-Smith Financial has a strong culture of teamwork and collaboration. The company values open communication, respect for others, and a commitment to excellence. This culture is reinforced through regular team-building events, training programs, and mentoring opportunities, contributing to a positive work environment and a fulfilling career.

Here's what our valued team have to say about thier experience.

Tania Young

“Knowing that we are more than just staff members and the whole team is invested in each other's success is one of the highlights of working at Slack-Smith Financial. I feel valued as an employee and enjoy being able to do my job well, rather than fast.

The way Mark and Susie conduct their business and treat their employees is a credit to them both. I am very lucky to have landed at such an incredible workplace. Thank you Mark and Susie for the opportunity to work at such a successful firm. The team you have put together and the environment you have created is something I have never experienced in my over 20 years in the accounting industry. I enjoy coming to work each day and the enthusiasm is infectious.”

Tania Young B.Com - Senior Accountant

“I feel respected and valued for what I bring to the firm. You are encouraged to grow yourself, bring in new ideas and have valued input into all aspects of work life.

The support and camaraderie amongst the team is unparalleled to any workplace I know of. Work is fun AND highly productive, with the giving and receiving of truly constructive and prompt feedback you are able to learn and teach (sometimes at the same time), all while making our processes streamlined and efficient so no one is doing a job just to tick a box. Family matters, flexibility to be there for my family when it matters, and my Slack-Smith Financial family caring along-side me cheering or consoling when needed."

Ferne Wilson - Bookkeeper & Educator

Fern Wilson
Gurpreet Singh Padda

“We have good office culture, supportive team members and the best boss to look up to. Thank you for creating such an amazing office, incredible workspace and office culture. We all love working here”.



Gupreet Singh Padda - Accountant

“We are all incredibly lucky to be working in this amazing team environment. Being able to enjoy going to work each day is a rarity. We all support and help one another and are all keen to share any new things we come across in our jobs. Everyone oozes positivity and enthusiasm in our team environment.

There is a huge amount of camaraderie within the office. At Slack-Smith Financial I am able to actually build relationships with the clients and take the time to know them rather than just doing their work and move onto the next job.”

Michelle Stewart B.Com CPA SMSF Partner

Michelle Stewart
Emily Crelley

”Slack-Smith Financial is an incredibly positive and encouraging workplace. I am very grateful to have the opportunity to work three days per week. It is a privilege to be in a position where I enjoy the flexibility to explore business and tax matters with guidance and knowledge from Mark and our team members.

Slack-Smith Financial is a safe and uplifting space to openly share ideas and knowledge and work within a strong, positive team environment. “

Emily Crelley B.Bus Accountant

“Our team comprises the kindest, most hardworking, and genuine people. Looking after their happiness and growth is rewarding and important to me. Also, the exposure I have to all kinds of conversations about business growth fascinates me. Mark has given me great opportunities and responsibility to lead as a young woman and make my role my own.”

Logan Gunthorpe Office Manager and Client Concierge

Logan Gunthorpe
Chirag Juneja

“I am grateful that I am part of this team and I believe there is always a window of opportunity and career growth at Slack-Smith Financial. When I started, I had so much support and training and could instantly sense what an amazing journey this would be.


The office morale is 10/10, our team work as a family”

Chirag Juneja - Accountant

"The best aspects of working at Slack-Smith Financial are the people I work with, and the freedom to create a way of working that works best for me. It is such a privilege to have a leader like Mark who doesn’t micro-manage, but encourages and promotes your skills and inspires professional and personal development. "


Alison Lewis - Head of Bookkeeping

Alison Lewis
Adam Lole

“What’s not to love about working at Slack-Smith Financial. Great work-life balance, great work environment and great people to work with.


This is not just one of the greatest teams that I have been involved in, it is the greatest ever.”


Adam Lole - Senior Accountant

“There is so much to enjoy at Slack-Smith Financial. The team plays a big part, we all work so well together. My role is so diverse, so not a single day is the same.


The opportunities and the growth that working at SSFIN has provided and given me, the understanding that yes I am an employee, but I am also a wife and a mother and my kids sometimes need me, and life gets busy and chaotic. Working alongside Mark and Susie has inspired me to grow, learn and keep achieving personally and professionally.”


Tabitha Genoli - Executive Assistant to Mark Slack-Smith

Tabitha Genoli
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